Technology of Health & Beauty


The difference between IPL and diode laser hair removal

What's the difference between diode laser hair removal and IPL?

The treatment methods outlined above mean that, typically, IPL technology will require more regular and long-term treatments for hair reduction. A diode laser will work more effectively with less patient discomfort (with integrated cooling) while treating more skin and hair types than the IPL.

Understanding laser hair removal technologies

The key principle behind laser hair removal is matching specific wavelengths of light and pulse duration to a specific target, namely the melanin in a hair follicle whilst avoiding the surrounding tissue area. Melanin is the naturally occurring pigment in our skin and hair associated with colour.

Understanding diode laser hair removal

The key to successful diode laser hair removal is the deliverance of high energy into the skin. The energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin surrounding the hair follicle whilst not impacting the surrounding tissue.

Diode lasers use a single wavelength of light that has a high abruption rate in melanin. As the melanin heats up it destroys the root and blood flow to the follicle disabling the hair growth permanently.

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